Application Fee:-Candidates will have to Drawn DD (Demand Draft) of Demand Draft in favour of the Secretary, Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi drawn in any Nationalized Bank payable at Delhi. And the examinatin fee is Rs.Rs. 500 /- (Five hundered) for General / OBC Category candidates and for SC/ST it is Rs. 250 /- (Two hundered Fifty).
Opening Date:- 01.11.2011 (1st november 2011).
Closing date:- 25.11.2011 (25th November 2011).
For more deytails of CBSE Central Teacher Eligibility Test(CTET) January 2012 Exam Notification,Click here:http://www.manabadi.co.in/notification/CBSE-Central-Teacher-Eligibility-Test-CTET-Exam-Notification31102011.asp
The Central Board of Secondary Education (abbreviated CBSE) is a Board of Education for public and private schools, under the Union Government of India.
CBSE affiliates all Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, all Kendriya Vidyalayas, private schools, all the schools in the NCT of Delhi and Foreign Schools.Read More